SATCOM Systems: Diving Down the Rabbit Hole

For business jet owners, the availability of LEO connectivity like Starlink and Galileo can be quite enticing. Naturally, this leads to a big question that has come up a lot for us at Pro Star since LEO technology’s arrival on the business aviation scene. The question is: Can I remove my existing SATCOM to install new connectivity? This question, however, is not so simple to answer. In fact, it actually opens up a rabbit hole of many varying possibilities and outcomes. While LEO technology’s high speed, low latency internet can be exciting, when it comes to replacing your current SATCOM system, it is not simply about upgrading your aircraft; it’s really about understanding what your existing system does, what regulations may apply, and if replacement is even possible in the first place.
To determine this, we have to understand the differences between individual SATCOM systems. Many aircraft have SATCOM systems that serve multiple roles. Some provide passenger internet connection, while others are critical for cockpit communications and ATC compliance. The question of whether or not you can replace your current SATCOM system fully depends on what this system is doing for your aircraft and what requirements might apply. In order to understand what options an aircraft owner might have; it is important to differentiate between the separate types of SATCOM systems.
Broadly speaking, SATCOM systems fall into three categories. Legacy systems like Iridium and Inmarsat “SwiftBroadBand” represent one of these categories. These systems provide low band-width data, voice communications, and cockpit connectivity. Oftentimes, these systems are used for flight deck safety functions, including ATC datalink, While some of these legacy systems can provide passenger internet, it is not their primary function, and it simply will not deliver at the same speed as LEO connectivity. Because these systems primarily provide functions that are required for specific flight operations, newer technology like Starlink or Galileo will not be able to fill these roles.
There are also systems like Viasat and Inmarsat Ka. At a first glance, these systems and their capabilities are more closely aligned to Starlink. These systems provide aircraft with high-speed internet for passengers, including VPN access and enabling real-time video conferencing. Unlike the previous category, these systems are primarily for business use and entertainment rather than essential cockpit and safety functions. Depending on what an owner may be looking for in their connectivity, a newer system like Starlink may actually be a suitable replacement for these SATCOM systems.
Finally, there are LEO systems, like Starlink or OneWeb’s Galileo. While these systems offer, by far, the quickest and most expansive connectivity of the three broad categories, there are still factors to consider when looking at replacing the legacy systems with these newer technologies. As discussed previously, there are certain functions, like cockpit communications and compliance, that technologies like Starlink are just not capable of replacing. Additionally, as these LEO systems are still relatively new, their integration into business jets is still evolving. Depending on the needs of an owner’s aircraft, however, Starlink or OneWeb may be a suitable replacement for their older system. Switching to a new system like Starlink is not simply about personal preference; it’s really about making sure that the aircraft remains compliant and operational. While Starlink may be a great addition to an aircraft, it is not a suitable replacement for everything. There are certain key questions that need to be considered when it comes to replacing a pre-existing SATCOM system: Does the current SATCOM system provide required cockpit communications?, Is the aircraft subject to regulatory requirements?, Does the new system have comparable coverage?, and How complex will the installation/replacement be? Of course, there are several additional questions and factors that are crucial to consider when seeking to replace a SATCOM system. Consulting with an expert in the field is always a good idea when it comes to something as complex as this. Though replacing older technology with newer technology may seem fairly straightforward, every aircraft is different, and when it comes to replacing SATCOM, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.